Sunday, January 26, 2020

Male Lung Cancer Patients Social Support and Death Anxiety

Male Lung Cancer Patients Social Support and Death Anxiety Rajput Nitu Abstract One of the major challenges faced by India is the rapid growth of lung cancer and its divesting impact upon human life. The lung cancer patients suffering from severe death anxiety and also needs a lot of social support. The present investigation has been undertaken in order to study the social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients in relation to age. Purposive sample was used to select lung cancer patients from civil hospital in the city of Ahmadabad. The total sample size was of 90 male populations, which were divided into two groups. The first group was 60 lung cancer patients, who were divided into two age groups 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years age groups. The second group was on 30 normal subjects who were also divided two age groups 31 to 41 and 41 to 50 year’s age groups. PGI social support scale and death anxiety scale were used for data collection. The t test technique was adopted for data analysis, t was found for difference between normal subject and lung ca ncer patients. The study found that there was significant difference between lung cancer patients and normal population in social support and death anxiety. It was found that there was no significant difference between 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patient age groups. Lung cancer patients suffering from more death anxiety and they receive more social support compared than normal population. Social support and death anxiety of male lung cancer patients in relation to age. Lung cancer has become one of the leading causes of cancer deaths in developed countries and is also rising at an alarming rate in developing countries. Despite the advances made in diagnosis and treatment in the last few decades, the prognosis of lung cancer is still very poor (Parsons, 2010).The most common cause of lung cancer is long-term exposure to tobacco smoke (Merck Manual Professional Edition â€Å"lung carcinoma tumors of the lung, 2007). Lung cancer forms in tissues of the lung, usually in the cells lining air passages (U.S. National Cancer Institute, 2010). Projection estimates from the WHO has shown that by the year 2030, cancer will account for 12% of deaths in India (WHO, 2010). Cancer pain is not a purely physical experience but involves complex aspects of human functioning, including personality, affect, cognition, and behavior, coping and social relations. Research on psychological factors influencing cancer pain has focused on two main areas: Psychological distre ss and pain coping. Numerous Studies have examined the relationship between cancer pain and various forms of psychological distress. Social Support Social support may be viewed as a part of the coping process in living with a chronic strain such as a chronic illness like cancer (Thoits, 1986). Consequently, the chronic strain/psychological adjustment relationships is likely to be mediated by moderator variables such as social support (Katz and Vami, 1993). Social supports are commonly defined as function performed for an individual under stress by significant others such as family members, friends, or professionals (Nelles, 1991). Rose (1990) determined the dimensions and characteristics of components of support functions in 64 non hospitalized adult cancer patients. They showed distinctiveness of primary network members by their overall preference for tangible aid from family, for modeling from friends who had cancer, and for open communications and clarifications from health professionals. Family and friends were equally preferred for dealing with affective reactions to the stressfulness of cancer. Houston and Kendall (1992) e xamined this aspect by studying patients with lung cancer. They found that patients who are encouraged to and permitted to verbalize their feelings by a friend or staff who is interested in, empathetic, and non-judgmental are better able to overcome feelings of anxiety and fear, and they progress through the stages of the illness process easily. Ell (1992) examined the relationship between social relationships and social support and survival following a first diagnosis of breast, colon, or lung cancer in 294 patients. Results suggest that the emotional support provided by the primary network members was a critical factor explaining the relationship between indicators of social relationship and mortality. Rose (1993) measures the processes and outcomes of emotional support in interactions between adult cancer patients and health providers. Emotional support processes were assesses as desired support, received support, and congruence. The older patients were found to expect intimacy a s the most important, whereas the younger patients felt that being able to ventilate their feelings was the most important. In addition, the older patients received less emotional support from providers than did middle -aged patients, but younger patients were more inclined than the other 2 groups to feel that the emotional support they received was not congruent with support they desired. Aymanns (1995) studied the interrelationships between the coping behaviors of 169 cancer patients and perceived amount and adequacy of family support, as well as the role of these factors in predicting psychosocial adjustment to cancer. Survey data suggested that cognitive strategies of coping may be more effective in mobilizing family support than behavioral strategies. Klein (1994) explored the relationship of daily hassles demand of illness, and social support to the psychosocial adjustment of people with newly diagnosed, primary lung cancer. It was found that the participants report relatively high social support, low hassles, moderately low demand of illness, and positive adjustment. Death Anxiety Patients with cancer experience the approaching of death, which increases their fear of dying and the intensity of suffering. Cancer carries the threat of death and during the stage in which they may be approaching their last days; patients can experience the approach of death with increased fear of dying and fear of increasing pain intensity. Studies have attempted to explore the components of death anxiety. Adelbratt and Strang, (2000) studied death anxiety among 20 patients with brain tumors and 15 of their next of kin. Death anxiety has been analyzed with reference to various socio-demographic factors and most frequently with age. Tsai, (2004) conducted a study in 224 patients with terminal cancers admitted to the Palliative Care Unit. The severity of death fear decreased gradually in both groups after being admitted to the hospice. However, the elderly (≠¥ 65 years of age) displayed higher levels of death fear than the younger group at two days before death. A significant n egative correlation was observed between the degree of death fear and the total good death score in both groups at two days before. The relationship between death anxiety and other personal factors were examined in some of the studies. Grumman and Spiegel, (2003) conducted a study among twelve cancer patients to determine their approach towards death anxiety. The results indicated the presence of significant death anxiety among the subjects. It was also reported that they were troubled by unresolved issues and higher anxiety and pain. The majority of the subjects expressed a desire to actively discuss their impending death and more than half of the patients reported being afraid of death and high death anxiety was associated with fear of dying in pain, high peak or usual pain, unresolved issues, and difficulty in parting with family in death. Most subjects experienced their religious faith as an important source of comfort and strength.In some of the studies, death anxiety was found to be related to affective factors such as anxiety and depression Mystakidou, (2005) reported significant correlation between death anxiety depression and anxiety among terminally ill cancer patients. On the whole, the studies suggest that death anxiety is related to age, state of illness, and other affective components such as anxiety and depression, fear of being separated from significant others indicating the possible existence of an affective network related to death anxiety. Method Sample: The sample size of this study was 90 male subjects. Subjects were divided into two groups. The fist groups was experimental groups which included 60 male lung cancer patients, and the second groups was control groups which consisted of 30 normal and physically fit male. Male lung cancer patients and normal male subjects will be sub-divided into two age groups :- (1) 31 to 40 years age groups. (2) 41 to 50 years age groups. Out which 31 to 40 years 30 male lung cancer patients and 41 to 50 years 30 male lung cancer. Research Design: The general objective of present study is to find the significant difference between social support and death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal subjects. In particular, t was found difference between social support and death anxiety of normal subject and lung cancer patients. t will also be found for difference in means between the two age groups. Research Tools: P.G.I social support questionnaire (SSQ):- social support questionnaire constructed and standardized by (Dr. Ritu Nehra, Dr. Parmanand Kulhara, and Dr. Santosh K. Verma, 1998). Thakur death anxiety scale (TDAS):- Death anxiety scale constructed and standardized by(Giridhar Prasad and Manju Thakur, 1984). Both SSQ and TDAS test provide consistent, reliable and valid scores. Research Procedure: The above mentioned two scales were administered on the selected sample of lung cancer patients and normal subjects. Some personal information was also collected with bio-data sheet prepared for the same purpose. After establishing rapport with each lung cancer patients and normal persons respectively and Social Support Scale and death anxiety scale were administered in Individual setting, scoring of eachtool was done by the scoring key of each tool. After respondent completed answered the test, it was checked whether all the items were answered completely. Scoring and interpretation was done using the standard scoring key given in test manual. In particular, t was found difference between social support and death anxiety of normal subject and lung cancer patients. t will also be found for difference in means between the two age groups. After the discussion the result were summarized and concluded according to the design of research study. Result: Table no .1 The mean of social support of lung cancer patients and normal subject’s were 49.75, 37.87 and SD 7.48, 5.10. The obtained‘t’ value is 8.86 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that lung cancer patients and normal subjects have significant difference to level of social support. The above table shows that lung cancer patients receive more social support compared than normal subjects. The mean of social support of 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients were 51.2, 48.3 and SD 7.80, 6.9. The obtained’t’ value is 1.53 no significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that 31to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients have no significant difference to level of social support. The above table shows there is a no significant difference between the mean scores of two age groups on social support. The mean of death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal subject’s were 57.92, 46.03 and SD 6.73, 10.48. The obtained‘tâ €™ value is 5.69 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that lung cancer patients and normal subjects have significant difference to level of death anxiety. The above table shows that lung cancer patients are suffer more death anxiety compared than normal subjects and there is a significant difference between the mean scores of cancer patients and normal subjects on death anxiety. The mean of death anxiety of 31 to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients were 59.86, 55.97 and SD 6.22, 6.67. The obtained’t’ value is 2.32 significant at 0.01 levels. Hence it is concluded that 31to 40 and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients have significant difference to level of death anxiety. The above table shows there is significant difference between the mean scores of two age groups on death anxiety. Discussion: From the results obtained in the present study it is found that there is a significant difference between social support of lung cancer patients and normal person. The study clearly portrays that the cancer patients receive more social support more than normal persons. These people require someone to sit with them, listen to their expression of feeling and thoughts. Weismen and wortman (1975) found that emotional support was helpful when it came from family members and they also found that social support at the time of diagnosis was associated with less emotional distress and longer duration of life. Moreover, sharing cancer experiences with other group members has positive effects, as participating in the group helps to develop effective coping strategies and improves emotional adaptation (Spiegel, 1981). Till the twentieth century, most patients with cancer were cared for by their families. By the 1930, cancer began to receive wider attention from the medical research community and soon several national cancer society’s by professionals came into existence. In the US, training of social workers for assistance of patients with cancer provided the first professional discipline devoted to the care of the psychosocial issues of patients with cancer. It is also found that there is no significant difference between social support of 31 to 40 years and 41 to 50 years lung cancer patients. There is significant difference between death anxiety of lung cancer patients and normal parsons. Tolor(1989) see the relationship between subjective life expectancy, death anxiety and general anxiety patients with cancer experience the approaching of death , which the intensity of suffering cancer carries the threat of death and during the stage in which they may be approaching their last days. Age difference on death anxiety found that 31 to 40 year’s lung cancer patients significantly high death anxiety than 41 to 50 year’s lung cancer patients. Thorson and Powel, (1998) emphasized age difference in death Anxiety. Study conducted in elder and younger women diagnosed with breast cancer to know the effect of age difference on death anxiety found that younger women had significantly high death anxiety. The element of death anxiety was of principal concern to the younger women. On the whole, the studies suggest that death anxiety is related to age, state of illness, and other affective components such as anxiety and depression, fear of being separated from significant others indicating the possible existence of an affective network related to death anxiety. REFERENCES Adelbratt, S., Strang. (2000). Death anxiety in brain tumor patients and their spouse.Palliative Medicine.14(6), 499-507.Retrieved from: Aymans P, Filipp SH, Klauer T (1995), Family Support and Coping with Cancer:Some determinants and adaptive correlates. Special Issue: Psychology and Health,British fournalofSocial Psychology,34(1),107-124. Blanchard CG,Albrecht TL, Ruckdeschel J.C, et a1 (1995), The role of social support in adaptation to cancer and to survival. Special issue: Psychosocial Resources Available in Cancer Studies: Conceptual and Measurement Issues.10urnal of Psychosocial Oncology13(1-3):75-95. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Brand Analysis †Louis Vuitton Essay

User Image Consumers are stylish, fashionable, aware of designer’s brands and look for quality and after sales services. Most of the users are mature (25+), female, working population with stable financial background. There is an increasing number of young LV users, who are fashionable trend-followers. LV users are usually less price-concerned. LV products are frequently used by the rich and famous, celebrities, models all over the world. Occasion Image LV produces series of leather goods for the business world, including briefcases, organizers, palm-cases†¦ all could be easily found in business meetings and offices. LV luggage could be found in Airport all over the world. Personal accessories like handbags, wallets, shoes, and clothing by LV are used by the celebrities in fashion shows, PR events, social gatherings†¦. Distinctive from Competitors The Competition In the challenging luxury market, LV faces quite a number of competitors. Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, Ferragamo and Prada are main competitors of LV. Just like LV, all of these international brands have their outlets around the world. Positioning We are living in an age of access to an incredible amount of product, consumers are no longer brand loyal to companies, and they want to know how the product will benefit them. To satisfy the potential customers, LV is promoting its image that provides consumers with added benefits on top of the practical use of its products. A person purchase a piece of the Louis Vuitton luggage, he is not only purchasing a piece of luggage, but prestige and style. Consumers buy LV luggage not just because they need luggage, but they want people to think that they are wealthy and stylish because this is the perception that Louis Vuitton sells with its luggage. It works because LV advertises its luggage as an exclusive line, not everyone can have it. To stand out from its competitors, LV positions itself as the leader for luxurious luggage. This could be seen in the advertising in magazines LV uses to communicate with their customers. And in the LV web page, a â€Å"Guide for the cosmopolitan traveler† is included, offering useful information to help prepare for international trips. Travelers can check out time differences, currency conversion tables, clothes sizes and measurement conversion charts, as well as useful addresses in the world’s major cities. Authenticity LV’s strength is the worldwide known good service to customer, its good quality for value and new designs. LV’s products safety exceed the requirements globally. Replicability A lot of the LV products are illegally replicated, but due to the unique canvas used for production; none of the fakes could achieve the quality and standard of the originals. Reassurance After using LV products, consumers are reassured of the good quality and value-for-money as promised by the advertising and promotions. Experience & Differentiation Consumers use and experience LV products, feel the difference between LV and other brands, lead to the differentiation of LV from the competitors. Consumer To the Louis Vuitton consumers, a LV handbag isn’t just a handbag, it’s a Louis Vuitton. Consumers will generally pay more for the LV name brand because it signifies some extra quality besides a handbag. LV products are appealed to people who would like themselves to be stylish,  and want others to think that they are fashionable, they want to differentiate their tastes from others and try to do so by purchasing LV products. Consumers were not looking so much to buy the non-brand products as everyone else. Instead, they looked to brands to help make a clear statement about their own identities. Consumers buy LV products are not just looking for quality and after sales services, they want people to think that they are wealthy because they can afford a pair of luxurious Louis Vuitton shoes. Suggestions More Distinctive from the Competition Louis Vuitton was very successful with consumers. It benefited from strong local in Japan, Europe and the US. This continued demand is due to the new products created by designer Marc Jacobs and the sustained quality of all Louis Vuitton products. To be more distinctive from the competition, Louis Vuitton may consider concentrating its business model to production of leather goods only. As most of the competitors are doing many business other than only leather goods. If LV could concentrate on leather goods production alone, it could become not just the leader, but the specialist of producing different leather goods. More Appealing to Consumers Branding and Lifestyle advertising is becoming increasingly popular because advertisers are trying to revive the idea of brand loyalty. To make LV more appealing to the consumers, here is also the idea: to make some products of the brand available only in small quantities, by limiting its production of certain products from time to time, or producing special edition of the same handbag in different markets, LV products could become  even more premium. This can satisfy the consumers who want to differentiate themselves from other LV users. LV could even create a trend for collection of limited edition LV products by the consumers.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Literary Critique: Wicked Essay

My friend and I went to go see the second to last showing of the popular, surrealistic musical Wicked on September 4th, 2010 in San Francisco at the Orpheum Theater. The production is generally a success on its own terms; however, I don’t think it is as flawless as everyone seems to think it is. The productions starts at the end of the plot which is a bit dramatic, goes back in time and continues to move forward until it, once again, reaches that dramatic ending. In essence, the production completes a circle which works because showing the audience the ending first grabs their attention immediately after the show begins and makes them wonder what events must have occurred in order for the characters to end up in their current situation. It also works because it’s clear that only part of the ending is revealed in the beginning of the show which still leaves some surprises in store for the audience and gives them something to look forward to–finding out the rest of the ending. Choreography was definitely a significant element in Wicked. I found that it contributed to the story a lot by allowing the audience to actually see the emotions that the characters are feeling in the form of movement, or more specifically, dance. Choreography was especially helpful when trying to figure out what the characters in the ensembles were feeling because, first of all, they were the people doing most of the dancing so one could get a lot of information out of their movements and, secondly, there aren’t that many other opportunities or ways for them to tell the audience how they are feeling. Without the choreography in Wicked, the audience would only have a good understanding of how the main characters feel which would prevent them from getting different view points on what was happening. There are a few times when the choreography doesn’t really work and those are when the cast uses props in their dance numbers. I noticed that the props used in the dance numbers don’t really contribute to the story, they are just there for aesthetic or entertainment value, which is fine, except for when they get distracting and take away from the dance number. An example of this would be in â€Å"Dancing Through Life† when I kept getting mesmerized by the books the ensemble were moving around instead of appreciating the whole scene. Something that contributes to the production even more than the choreography are the songs that are sung throughout the musical. Through the songs, the audience is given a more detailed description of the characters and the characters’ situations and emotions in a different way other than lines, captivating the audience one again and giving them the opportunity to relate to the characters. This is one aspect of the musical that works really well because it is a way for the show to hold the audiences’ attention and relay information to them. Having music especially works when the show was trying tell the audience something and get them to feel a certain way at the same time. However, much like the choreography aspect of the show, there were times when having music didn’t work. Some of the messages that the songs gave were powerful, but they might’ve been stronger if the director had chosen to have the message of the song spoken instead of sung. I really noticed this in the song â€Å"No One Mourns the Wicked†. The costume choice were another thing that grabbed the audiences’ attention because the costumes, even when they weren’t always the most glamorous looking, were out there. They work because they are very imaginative, contributing to the surrealism of Wicked. They also work because they are a reflection of the characters’ personalities and; therefore, provide the audience with character information. For example, Glinda is generally dressed really brightly and extravagantly representing her bubbly and extravagant personality; meanwhile, Elphaba is normally seen in dark, simple clothing portraying the fact that she is a misunderstood, unhappy, simply being. The theme of good versus evil was prominent in the popular musical. Juxtaposition is used a lot to portray this especially when the theme is applied to the two main characters–a â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† witch. This worked for a couple of reasons. One of which is that the audience was observing more than one personality type, which were both taken to extremes, at the same time. This allowed them to really get both sides of the story, to be cliche, instead of just seeing the characters’ world from one person’s point of view. The way the director chose to introduce the theme of good triumphing over evil also works. At the beginning of the production it’s clear that being â€Å"good† does have some advantages over being â€Å"evil†; however, as the musical progresses it becomes even more clear that good triumphing over evil may not always be what it seems to be. Portraying such a strong message in this manner works because, at first, it shows the audience what they already know and what they feel comfortable and then slowly it introduces them to a new idea making it less likely that they will reject the idea being proposed to them. Wicked has certain aspects that work together to make it a success, such as it’s choreography, props, soundtrack, themes, and costumes. Although, not every one of those aspects has a completely positive impact on the musical which makes it hard for me to refer to Wicked as a complete and total success.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Television Censorship in the Past and Present Essay example

Television Censorship in the Past and Present Typing in the web address, I begin my search for information regarding the controversial subject. After a few seconds of waiting for the site to load, a black background comes up, with black font displaying the message: This site is not accessible because it is categorized as: Sex, Violence, Language. I immediately highlight the web address and annoyingly thrash at the delete button on my keyboard and watch it disappear. Jeez, everything is censored nowadays! Frustrated, I decide to take a break. I get up from my computer, drop my tired body onto the couch, and turn on the T.V. Once the picture becomes clear, I am greeted by a completely bare behind! The†¦show more content†¦Hence, censorship was regarded as an extremely honorable task (Censorship). Perhaps one of the most well known cases of censorship in history involves Socrates. Sentenced to drink poison 399 BC, his corruption of youth and his participation in activities that were considered unorthodox considered him unacceptable by the government. However, Socrates was not the first to be punished for the immoral acts of his time. This first look at censorship has continuously been upheld by other countries such as China and the Soviet Union, and has evolved into the extensive censorship we have in the United States today (The Long...). As were many of the laws in history, much censorship was created around the focus of religion as well. The Catholic Church controlled much of the publications for its universities If something was in the process of becoming published, the Church would have to approve it being morally correct and suitable (Censorship). Then, censorship spilled into the political world, and in 1563, King Charles IX of France declared that nothing could be printed without the specific allocation of the king Soon other secular rulers of Europe followed his processes, and scientific and artistic expressions, potentially threatening to the moral and political order of society, wereShow MoreRelated Censorship Essay examples939 Words   |  4 Pages Censorship Without the history of Censorship, what type of things would children be watching? Without the unique methods of Censorship, what kinds of films would be being released into the public? Throughout this essay I will be explaining the steps taken to achieve the level of Censorship, that we have now. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; In 1900-1950 every movie in the world was rated before being released. The government, of the country in which the movie was made always did this. 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